Detoxing Our God Concepts

Julia invites us to spend some time in morning pages this week thinking about our god concepts: the god we believe in vs. the god we want to believe in. Remember that where she uses god, you are welcome to use any number of other words (including good), as it suits you best.

For this exercise, fill in the blanks as you see fit.

The god I believe in thinks artists are:

The god I want to believe in thinks artists are:

The god I believe in thinks self care is:

The god I want to believe in thinks self care is:

The god I believe in wants me to spend my time:

The god I want to believe in wants me to spend my time:

The god I believe in wants this sort of relationship with me:

The god I want to believe in wants this sort of relationship with me:

The god I believe in views the world—and invites me to view with world—with:

The god I want to believe in views the world—and invites me to view the world—with: